Our after-school program is for children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade. Van pickup is available for children attending Club Estates, Mireles, Kolda, and Faye Webb Elementary schools. Lesson plans are prepared for this group using the School Age Fun Curriculum. Bible stories, Bible verses, and prayer are a part of our program as we seek to provide a Christian environment for school-agers. We offer full day service on school holidays and during the summer months, with the exception of center closure dates. Latchkey children are offered a snack upon arrival during regular afternoon session days. During the summer and on full days they are served breakfast, lunch, and snack.

Our summer Latchkey program offers childcare Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. During the summer the children engage in many hands on activities, participate in several field trips, and enjoy weekly swimming trips.