READ Philippians 4:4-7.

•How has this passage impacted you this week?

•Has your understanding of this passage changed? If so how?

•How will celebration be more of a part of your walk with Jesus?

•What is your plan for making Philippians 4:4 a part of your daily rhythm?

Sunday Table for Two

Let’s Celebrate! Hopefully, this week has opened your eyes to how fun and adventurous a life following Jesus can be. There are many reasons to celebrate; no matter our circumstances, we can rejoice! This morning let’s return one more time to our theme of Celebrate!

READ Matthew 21:1-11.

What moves you to your feet and makes you cheer?

If you were one of these crowd members why would you be cheering for Jesus?

What is a way you have experienced God this week?

Have you learned something about God or your relationship with him?

In what area of your life do you need Jesus to make a triumphant entry?

We have talked about Celebrate! in lots of different ways this week. What will you leave celebrating?

CHALLENGE: Find a way to make Philippians 4:4 a part of your daily rhythm for the next month. (Write it on your mirror, set a background on your phone, etc.). Write down your plan here, and then share your plan with your small group so they can help hold you accountable.

PRAY: Celebrate today by rejoicing and praising God for what you have experienced this week.

Saturday Table for Two

Imagine a field of ice as far as the eye can see covered in a deep blanket of snow sliding down a mountain slowly for thousands of years. That is a glacier, and one of the greatest adventures is living and traveling by foot across one. Every step you take has the possibility of opening up into a void in the ice. You have to be ready at a moment’s notice to rescue a teammate on the other end of your rope who falls through ice. Quickly you build not one but two or more anchors to attach the rope to before starting the process of hauling up your teammate. Why take the time to build anchors? In order to perform the rescue, you need something concrete and stable to begin the process.

What gives you stability in life? What gives you confidence?

READ Revelation 7:9-17.

What stands out to you about this passage?

Is there anything in this passage that give you confidence? Why?

Where do you see rejoicing and joy in this passage?

This passage takes place at some point in the future. What does it mean for now?

PRAY: Talk to God about finding an unwavering confidence in him. What doubts do you have? What concerns? Ask God to form in you a rejoicing heart.

SATURDAY READ & REFLECT: Philippians 4:10-14 & Acts 16:16-34


•Who are Paul & Silas?

•What happens to them?

•Why are they in prison?

•How do you imagine they felt when they were in prison? How would you feel?

•Paul & Silas were able to praise God in the midst of their circumstance. How is this difficult?

READ: Philippians 4:10-14

•What do you think Paul is saying here?

•What does it mean to be content?

  •What brings contentment for Paul?

•How do we see this lived out in the story we acted out earlier?

•How do Paul’s words here push against our culture?

•Verse 13 is often quoted. How does reading it in context impact our understanding of this verse?

•What does contentment have to do with our theme verse (Phil. 4:4)?

•How have you experienced the truth of these verses in your life?

•How can we experience contentment in our lives? What does it look like for you to live this out?


•What stands out to you about these early believers?

•What did these early believers do?

•How did they do life together?

•How does joy show up here?

NOW READ Acts 12:1-19.

•What happens in this passage?

•How does joy show up here?

•How do you see this group of believers living out the words of Acts 2 that we read earlier?

•How do others factor into our spiritual growth? Or in other words, why do we need each other as followers of Jesus?

•Think of how someone else has impacted your relationship with God and helped you grow stronger. Share about this experience.

•How do others help us praise God?

Friday Table for Two

Have you ever noticed that many heroes and superheroes do their work all alone? The American experience seems to highlight stories of people who taught themselves, defeated the odds, or singlehandedly grew a fortune, got power, etc. Yet all this is contrary to the life Jesus calls us to live. A life with God and for God is also a life with and for other people.

READ John 21:1-14.

What do you think about this story?

What would you do if you were the disciples and just had your world turned upside down?

How do you like to relax and clear your head?

What do you do when life gets confusing and complicated?

How would you describe the disciples’ relationship with each other?

Why do you think the disciples stuck together?

The disciples thought they were all alone that night out on the water, but Jesus was there.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar place? Feeling alone and later seeing how God was at work all along?

PRAYER: Talk to God about where or when you feel alone. Ask God to let you see how he is with you and at work. Talk to him about the people he has put in your path and how you can share his love with them.