11:00 AM Domingos – Traducción de Sermón en Facebook
7:00 PM Domingos – Estudio Bíblico vía internet-ZOOM (See Details Below)
6:00 PM Lunes – Devocional Semanal en Facebook
Cuando: Domingos a las 7:00 PM
Ubicación: Vía internet-ZOOM
Facilitadora: Janet Galarza
Para más información o para código de ZOOM: Contacte a Janet vía correo electrónico: JGalarza@2bc.org o llame (361) 994-0266
"'Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas'. El segundo es: 'Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.' No hay otro mandamiento más importante que estos."
Marcos 12:30-31
Dios nos manda amarlo con todo nuestro corazón al igual que el amar a nuestro prójimo. La única manera que podemos cumplir con estos mandamientos es pasando tiempo con él en oración y en su palabra. Es por eso que estamos proveyendo devocionales cada semana, para juntos alinear nuestro espíritu para escuchar la voz de Dios.
Estando tan cerca de la frontera mexicana, tenemos 31% de hispanohablantes viviendo en Corpus Christi. Parte de nuestra visión en 2BC es desarrollar discípulos de Cristo Jesús, amando a Dios y a nuestro prójimo. De esta visión proviene nuestro deseo de expandir nuestro amor al prójimo, proveyendo traducciones de predicaciones, discipulado, y recursos espirituales. Como siervos de Cristo, aspiramos crecer y enriquecer nuestra experiencia de alabanza en 2BC, siendo los pies y manos de Cristo.
Janet se ha unido en misión con 2BC para comenzar un ministerio en español, proveyendo a familias con discipulado y un lugar para crecer espiritualmente.
11:00 AM Sundays – Spanish Sermon Translation on Facebook
7:00 PM Sundays– Bible Study in Spanish on Zoom (See Details Below)
Monday Evenings– Weekly Devotional on Facebook
When: Sundays 7:00 PM
Location: Vía internet-Zoom
Facilitadora: Janet Galarza
For More Information and Zoom Code: Contact Janet, JGalarza@2bc.org or Call: (361) 994-0266
“'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
-Mark 12:30-31
God called us to love him and to love others, and the only way that we can obey these commandments is by spending time with him in prayer and in his word. That is why we are sharing weekly devotionals at the beginning of each week, so that we can be prepared to hear God’s spirit speak to our lives.
Living so close to the Mexican border, we have 31% of Spanish-speakers living in Corpus Christi, and as part of our 2BC vision to develop disciples for Jesus Christ by loving God and loving people, we want to expand it to those seeking to worship in Spanish. We want to provide sermon translations, discipleship, and spiritual resources in their heart language. Our hope is to see this ministry grow and enrich our communal worship experience at Second Baptist.
Janet heard her calling to ministry when she was serving as a semester missionary in Peru. She saw there was a lot of work to be done in discipleship and equipping leaders for service in the ministry that she followed her call to George W. Truett Theological Seminary, where she graduated with her MDiv and served as a Spanish Minister in a local church. Both she and her husband work full-heartedly in the ministry and enjoy spending time with their young daughter, Emilia.
Janet has embarked on a journey with 2BC in creating a Spanish ministry, providing Spanish-speaking families with discipleship and a place for growth.