Welcome to camp! Each day you are going to have some time to sit at the Table for Two. This time is for you to spend alone with God. This isn’t a worksheet or assignment there are no grades and no gold stars. Also, this isn’t group work, so make sure you have your paper and Bible and give yourself space away from your neighbor (at least 10 feet). The Scripture, questions, and activities on your Table for Two page each day are there to help you connect with God.

When you think of following Jesus what words come to mind? Do you think of words such as fun, laughter, excitement, and adventure? Or do you think of words like boring, old fashioned, dull, full of rules, or something along these lines? Too often it seems we would rather use the second set of words, even to the point where sometimes it seems like the goal of our faith is to make our lives just bland.

This week our theme is Celebrate! And we are exploring this question: Can a life spent following Jesus be a life of enjoyment and great excitement and even a celebration?

READ Philippians 4:4-7

What stands out to you as you read this passage? What questions do you have?

Read Philippians 4:4 again, and write it out.

This is our theme verse for the week. What does this verse mean to you?

What are your expectations & hopes for this week?

What do you want to get out of this week?

PRAY: Think about your relationship with God. How is it going. Do you think of your relationship with God as a celebration? What distractions do you think you will face this week? Take a few moments and talk to God about these things and about the week that lays ahead.

© 2025 Second Baptist Church Corpus Christi