Holy Week Devotional – Palm Sunday

Have you ever been overcome by joy to the extent that you felt as if your heart would burst? Spend a moment or two revisiting that experience. What was the source of your joy?

As Jesus drew near to Jerusalem, Luke tells us that Jesus’ followers, overcome with joy, began to shout and sing praises to God saying, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!” (Luke 19:38, NRSV). They were moved to praise God because of all they had seen and heard from Jesus, and they chose words from Psalm 118 (see verses 25-26) to express their praise.

Read Psalm 118.

Which part of this psalm stands out to you? Why?

How have you experienced God’s steadfast, faithful love in your life?

When we see God at work, when we experience his love, when we remember his glorious attributes, we should be moved to joyful, uncontainable praise that bubbles up from deep within our hearts.

We are going to spend the next few moments reflecting on God. Think about his love, ponder how you have seen him at work recently, remind yourself what he has done for you, and meditate on his glory and his attributes. Write down a list of these things God brings to your mind, and put it somewhere you will see it this week. Every time you see this list, let it serve as a reminder to praise God.

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