Friday, Sept. 10
7pm – Worship with Dale Brown
8pm – Breakout Session #1
Saturday, Sept. 11
9am – Breakout Session #2
10am – Breakout Session #3
11am – Living Hope a Round Table Discussion
Sunday, Sept. 12
8:30 & 11am – Worship w/ Guest Speaker Dale Brown
9:45am – Sunday School

Dr. Dale Brown
Dale’s life mission is to fervently love God and people, expressing that love frequently, and persevering in it forever.
He desires to be used by God to help others on their journey with Christ as we grow into his likeness in whatever context, place and life situations God chooses, thus fulfilling the Great Commandment, the Great Commission,and the Cultural Mandate.
Dale has pastored six churches in Texas and New England, traveled and taught overseas and led Men’s Retreats and Conferences. He holds a B.S. from the University of Texas and the M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.Dale is dad to Lindsey, Davis and Aaron.
In 2016 Dale went through his own divorce after 32 years of marriage, he then started Men’s Divorce Recovery. Dale remarried Kelly on April 7, 2021. He is VERY happy about this!
You can participate in Fresh Encounter online!
Watch a live stream of each main session plus participate live in the breakout sessions. Also, when you sign up you will receive access to recordings of all the sessions.
Hope for Strong Marriages – Room 103
Kenny De Koning
When Jesus says in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, that is exactly what the enemy does in our marriages, and we, too often, let him. But Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. And that is exactly what Jesus has in mind for our marriages; marriages with life of great abundance. Yes, that is the Hope for Stronger Marriages.”
Ministering Hope in Crisis Times – Worship Center
Brian Hill
Each one of us experiences crisis at some point in our lives and each one of us is close to someone who does as well. This class will focus on a Biblical perspective of struggles and then give tools that can help us minister to others in and through these difficult seasons of life.
Hope in Christian Divorce – Room 103
Dale and Kelly Brown
Yes, you read it right! There’s hope after a Christian divorce. Dr. Dale Brown will share from his personal experience how he found hope after his divorce. He will share important Godly tools that helped him personally and that has helped so many others.
Spiritual Formation in a Tech Driven World – Worship Center
Stephanie Beazley
Technology is everywhere we turn, from the phones in our pockets to the check out counter at HEB. We see technology’s power to draw us together and simplify our lives but also its power to distract, divide, and distort reality. So how as Christ followers are we to navigate this tech-driven world? We will focus on practical tools to both leverage technology for spiritual benefit while also putting it in its proper place.
Hope for Helping Kids Deal with Grief – Room 225
Gilbert Garcia
A discussion on how trauma affects child behaviors and what parents can do to help children heal.
Providing Hope through Prison Ministry – Room 103
Jan Trujillo & Cheandra Spraggins
Matt 25:36. Doing what God calls us to do. Provide hope to those who feel hopeless, share the gospel with some that have never heard it, and bring the hope of Christ so lives can be saved.
Caregiving For Loved Ones with Hope – Room 223
D’Lyn Suggs
Are you taking the role of a caregiver for a loved one or spouse?
How do you juggle all those duties and still take care of yourself?
Hope – Prayer Labyrinth – Fellowship Hall
Prayer Labyrinth is a maze-like path designed to facilitate meditation and prayer. Along the path are what we call Prayer Stations where you pause and pray. It is designed for people to have a personal, private time with God to better understand themselves and their walk/relationship with Christ.
God Spoke to Me Wall – Loggia
How has God spoken to you this weekend?
What has God shown you this weekend?
We have provided a place for you to sit and write those down.
Then place it on the wall.