Today is the first Sunday of Lent. One of the readings for today is Luke 4:1-13. Luke tells us at the beginning of his ministry after his baptism, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness for 40 days where he was tempted. During this time he fasted. We are in the midst of an exploration of the spiritual practice of fasting. And as we continue to practice and explore this together, I find it helpful to reflect on Jesus and his willingness to lay aside so much and suffer on our behalf. And I am struck by how we see this throughout his ministry.
A few years ago I ran across this series of drawings by Simon Smith imagining this scene in Jesus’ life, and I wanted to share them with you. Take time today to watch this video and reflect. Consider the questions below as you reflect.
What stood out to you about this artist’s rendering of Jesus’ time in the wilderness?
Did anything surprise you?
What do you imagine this 40 days was like for Jesus?
How does Jesus’ willingness to endure such trials move you?